Hello veusz mailing list,
(first-time poster, long-time Veusz user here -- Veusz 1.23 on Ubuntu and 
Windows 7). I tried to use the Tools > Widgets > Clone for datasets.. function, 
but can't get it to work. I did not find prior emails on how this should work, 
therefore dropping my problem into this list. 
I import data successfully from a regular .csv file, resulting in a bunch of 1D 
data named L01_data, L02_data, L03_data...L20_data. I create a page, grid, and 
add an XY-graph widget with the "L01_data" dataset on y-axis, and "time" data 
on x-axis. From the Tool's name and description, I expect that I could take 
this "L01_data" XY plot widget, and clone it so I don't have to manually 
generate and XY plot for L02...L20 (all use the same "time" data for x-axis). 
However, this does not seem to work.
Expected behavior:Before applying the widget, I have one XY plot, containing 
"L01_data" as y-axis data. Apply the widget (clone widget = "L01_data" , 
dataset 1 to change = "L01_data", replace by "L*_data") and execute.After 
applying widget, I expect 19 additional XY graphs, with y-axis data changed to 
the L02_data, L03_data, etc. datasets.

Observed behavior:After applying widget, I see 19 additional XY graphs are 
created: good! Yet, all have as y-axis data "L01_data". The widget names are 
adjusted though if I select "build new names from ds"
Am I using the tool properly? If not, can someone provide a pointer on how to 
automate cloning of XY plots (or widgets in general) -- preferably without 
commandline scripts that will frighten the coworkers?

Thanks in advance,best regards,-douwe
Veusz-discuss mailing list

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