
I just tried to install the lastest binary on a opensuse 13.1.
When I start veusz, I get the error that it is missing libSM.so.6, but actually
this is in /usr/lib64.
Do you have an idea, how I can correct this.

Thank you!
On 06/25/2015 09:24 AM, Jeremy Sanders wrote:
Dear Simon

Simon Kleinknecht wrote:

Hi Jeremy, thanks for the new version. Great job!

Once again I would like to ask about the global color behavior of a xy
widget. Is it your intention that it does not control the color of the
marker border?
Yes - that's correct. I thought it looked better with a black border. You
can hide the border if it's a problem (unless you're using the line

Moreover, I think it would be nice if the sub-colors (plot line, marker
fill, etc) pick up the global color again when selecting again the
global color from a custom one. Right now the link between the global
and the sub-colors breaks once you have changed the sub-colors. What do
you think about it?
That was intentional again, though it would be difficult to implement any
other behaviour with the current settings system in Veusz. You can click on
the label, then "Reset to default" to restore the link.

Best wishes


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