Afternoon VFB'ers:

I'm not currently the VFB Moderator, and haven't been for the last year, 
when I quit out of Frustration.  However, somebody needs to say a few 
words about "serial" posts.  I'm talking about the kind that are between 
two or more VFB'ers who constantly talk back and forth and back and 
forth to each other VIA the VFB List, along with numerous "ATTA BOYS" 
from others putting in their 2 cents worth. In just the last few days 
I've deleted over 300 VFB emails.  Things would be better for all of us 
if these conversations were OFF LIST. And, that isn't hard to do.  All 
you have to do is use pull all the e-mail addresses into the address 
line and hit send.  For ensuing posts all you'd need to do afterward is 
hit "reply all" and leave the VFB out of it. Signing up for a Swap is 
different, because there's always a lot of traffic and updates until the 
swap is full, then when all communication is usually moved OFF LIST as 
it should be. 
I've received several OFF LIST e-mails complaining about the Serial 
Posts and asking me to say a few words.  OK, I heard you and I did say a 
few words.  Some of you will want to give me an Atta Boy, and some will 
want to kick my butt, but Guys, but whatever you do, please do it OFF LIST.

To quote Byard on the purpose of the VFB email list:  "The Virtual 
Flybox Mailing List is designed to be a forum in which members can post 
announcements for new fly swaps and discuss flytying and flyfishing 
topics."  He didn't say anything about casual bante rand poking fun at 
each other. Too much technical stuff with no play/banter/kidding,  makes 
for a very dry VFB.

One last point!  In the not distant past, the VFB had over 600 members. 
 As of last week it had only 220.  Something's Outta Kilter somewhere.
Former VFB Moderator.

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JIMMY D. MOORE, Amateur Radio Station  WB5RHT-
FREE Classic & Antique Golf Club Evaluation
Author - Moon Holler Misfits Fishing & Hunting Club, 
Humorist, Past VP Guadalupe River Trout Unlimited, 
Member TOWA, North Zone Fishing Editor Emeritus,
Texas Fish & Game Magazine, Scout Exec. BSA, Ret.
Website -                      
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