Aaron Solochek wrote:
> A friend of mine made me a deal... He said that he would buy me a tv
> tuner card if I recorded some show for him on a daily basis and had it
> avalible for him to download... This is because he doesn't get cable,
> and I do.  Anyways, this seems like a pretty good deal to me, I figure
> it would be possible to setup a cron job to record this thing, since its
> on before I typically wake up anyways.  But, I have no idea what card to
> get.  This is the first thought I've put into videocapture under linux.
> I would appreciate all suggestions as to what to buy.  Thanks.

        It doesn't matter terribly which card you get. The STB Desktop TV cards
all over Ebay these days work fabulously. Just search for "stb tv" -
mine cost me $30. (the FM tuner is really good as well, that's actually
all I use it for. It's far better than old Aztech/PB radio cards at the

        There are cards that will give you a hard time, mostly try to avoid
overtly generic cards. Check the cardlist in gerd's bttv tarball, look
for something on the list. 

 - eric

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