A couple things about rel="payment"

The payment URL can be *anything*.
It could link to a Cafe Press store, your paypal page, an HTML page
with your address so people can mail you a check, a page that links to
books or DVDs through an Amazon Affilliate program, a URL formatted
with a GET query so you can track the click through and record which
blog entries bring in the cash, a link to a page where you can donate
to a particular cause, campaign, or charity.

This is entirely up to the author. It is completely open and flexible.
And its fucking simple.

Also note that rel="payment" does not entail any restrictions on
access to content. You can't use rel="payment" to force someone to pay
you first before being able to download something. rel="payment" is an
after the fact payment -- it is an optional transaction between viewer
and creator.

Some people would be happy to pay for content they enjoy or wish to
support. Why not make it possible for them to do so?

I think this is a good step for videoblogs, podcasts, and blogs in
general, and would pave the way for a much needed XML namespace
extension for RSS. Plus, if users are already adding rel="payment" it
will be dirt simple for blog software developers to implement this XML
namespace as a plugin once that spec is fleshed out and agreed upon by
the community at large.


On 7/17/05, David Meade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was just thinking about the rel=payment thing.  I know some people
> are seeing this as a scary move toward sponsor inspired content, and I
> understand that.  However I wanted to share with you another possible
> idea ... I think this rel=payment would give us a change to really
> work as a group toward a goal in a way we just can't now except in
> moral support.
> <b>I think this has some serious power however to help us as vloggers
> start to do things we always talk about ... changing things!</b> It
> would be great for a series of videos meant to accomplish something.
> Not all of your vids would have to have the same payment page - some
> could be callouts for your viewers to donate to some cause.
> For example suppose all the vloggers had a 'cause week' where we
> picked a cause, had a donation page agreed to, and for a week (or
> month or whatever) made relavent vlogs with rel=payment for the cause.
> That's pretty freakin' cool.
> It also gives us a means to sort of ... campaign. If you are a
> politcal advicate talking about your canidate of choice your
> rel=payment for that video could be to his campaign fund for example.
> This really would give us the ability to leverage our numbers in a
> very real way toward actual real world solutions (which almost always
> require funds :-P )
> Normally, my audience is likely to be my 2 brothers, a few buddies
> from Purdue, and a coworker or two ... and none of them are gonna pay
> me anything :-P ... but I still think this is a really cool idea and
> I'll use it not only for it's fresh new-gizmo smell but also gladly as
> a group effort draw my (and others) viewers into action.
> - Dave
> http://www.davidmeade.com
> Yahoo! Groups Links


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