On 7/25/05, icsn2202 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After the last 2 days I get error 550: can't create directory; file
> exists when I try uploading to ourmedia.org...have posted to their
> forum as well as emailed them directly...anyone know how to get this
> error stopped so I can upload 2 of my movies???

Firstly, as regulars to this list and regular users of Ourmedia will
know - things are buggy. Ourmedia is, in fact, Still in alpha
development. One should think such things were easy as pie to fix, but
I suppose not (I am not a coder geek so I wouldn't know).

I suggest you try upload with the Ourmedia publisher:
Remember that you need a description with more than 6 words, and try
to give your two movies a different name. The "file exists" part
indicates that somehow the file-names were uploaded, but the files
themselves were not fully uploaded OR are up on the Internet Archive,
but have not been visible on Ourmedia for reasons of borg. Try search
at the Internet Archive (www.archive.org) for your files. If they are
there, you could try link to the media files directly from your blog.

So: Try upload again, with the publisher, one movie at the time, with
a different file-name, and remember to cross your fingers :)

Then, there is the question of Customer Support at Ourmedia. Yes,
things are slow in that department, and we (I am associated with
Ourmedia as a moderator) are trying to improve that, but we only got
as many volunteers with spare time as we do.. So I guess posting to
the bug report section of the Forums is your best bet, or, you can of
course also e-mail me personally (since you are on this list; I am,
just like Jay Dedman, available for questions and comments) at
raymondmk at gmail dot com.

> Anyone got any other ideas?  Any other archiving places we can
> upload our movies to??  free??  : )

Other free options? Well, a few weeks back I did a first look at
www.castpost.com - http://www.screenvlog.com/?p=10 - and there are
also some other options out there. I cannot remember others than
www.blogmatrix.com off the top of my head, but Blogmatrix isn't
exactly free, I am afraid.

You could also use the DLTQ free hosting solution, but I have yet to
see how many more people I can offer this to (Josh Leo! Your movies
are just too darned popular! ;)).

Thing is, there are loads of people here with hosting solutions, and
if all else fails you could get hosting from a friendly soul on this
mailing list. E-mail me privately if you are interested in a
dltq.org/yourname folder where you can host some movies.

> Also, anyone have experience with embedding RealPlayer to their
> website?  I have having problems writing metafile to direct
> RealPlayer on my site to read movie files stored on my website at
> http://www.electmagnetic.net on the last page, movie viewer.  Has
> anybody got any experience with embedding a player for their movies
> on their website??  Maybe Windows Media or WinAmp player embedded on
> their site?  I'm at icsn2202 @yahoo.com where I will for sure get
> anyone's answer(s)....thanks

Sorry, I have No Clue about RealPlayer or Real movies apart from the
fact that I avoid watching Real content as much as possible. hate the
format. It's a chemistry thing.

Good luck.


Raymond M. Kristiansen


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