On Tue, 02 Aug 2005 20:17:37 +0200, Charles HOPE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> General fair-use question: if I'm videoblogging inside a car, and the
> radio is playing, am I legally bound to turn the radio off before
> turning on my camera?

General answer: It depends.

Depends on (among other things):

  - What country you're in.
  - How long the song is being played.
  - How big a role the song has in your video.
  - If it's a newsworthy event[*]

And so on. There is no final answer, it's all case-by-case (as it should 

[*] Interesting story: The royal wedding between the Danish prince Joachim 
and his bride Alexandra was a huge thing in Denmark (naturally). It was 
broadcast live on both major networks for God knows how many hours. No one 
cared about copyrights because Danish legislation has a clause similar to 
the US about newsworthyness. However when Denmark's Radio (DR) wanted to 
rebroadcast the whole thing they had a hell of a time. The even was no 
longer newsworthy (this being several months after the wedding) and 
securing rights from something as stupid as the band who played at the 
ball almost cancelled the rebroadcast.

- Andreas
Commentary on media, communication, culture and technology.


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