On Sat, 06 Aug 2005 14:56:13 +0200, Pete Prodoehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Have you ever *bought* music, and by bought, I mean bought the full
> rights to any music to do as you please? Most times you are licensing
> it. CD's you buy at the store? You don't own those, you don't have the
> right to do whatever you want with it. You're just paying for the
> rights to do with it what the record companies will allow you to do
> with it.

You're glancing over some important parts of copyrights here.

When you buy a cd at the store you're buying a 'copy' of the work. That 
copy is yours to keep - what you can do with it is not limited by what the 
record companies feel is right. What you can do is limited by copyright 
law. Record companies could of course limit you, but not without having 
you sign a contract along each purchase. You have quite a few rights.

With Freeplay on the other hand you don't buy a 'copy' of the work. You 
buy a license to use this work for a given period of time and for a 
specific purpose. Here you have only the rights granted to you in the 
license agreement.

This is the exact reason I'm still buying physical cd's and not buying 
from the iTunes Music Store. At the music store I don't buy a copy of the 
songs. I buy a license to listen to them. It's a more liberal license than 
Freeplay, but it's still too restrictive for me. I'm not allowed to sell 
my iTunes bought music like I can sell my used cds for example.

We can take an art poster analogy. When you go to a store to buy an art 
poster you buy a copy of thet work. This is the same as buying a physical 
cd. If it was a licensing deal you would only buy the right to display 
that poster in your home (probably 'for personal use in a non-commercial 
manner'). You couldn't even sell the poster to your buddy for two bucks. 
You'd have to destroy the poster and tell your buddy to go down to the 
store to get his own licensing deal.

Online music businesses need to change before they'll see any of my 

- Andreas
Commentary on media, communication, culture and technology.


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