Pete Prodoehl wrote:

> What a question! The incentive for truly creative people to create
> things is that they can't *not* create things!
> I create things because I enjoy creating things. It connects me with
> others. I get a good sense of satisfaction from the things I create. I
> can attempt to have control over the creation process. It keeps me sane.
> Why do I write, draw, record audio, and shoot video? The incentive is
> not the almighty dollar, that's for sure... As cliché as the "I do it
> for myself" thing might sound, it's pretty much true.
> (Also, I think you may be confusing "good" with "popular")
> Pete
> --
> videoblog for the future...
Good, then in a world without copyright, what I'll do is I'll just watch
for what you're creating and as soon as I see something I like, I'll
call it my own and commercialize it.  Work for hire is bad enough, a
world without copyright is anarchy, and the people who would be getting
screwed the most would be the ones creating works.  What you're missing
is that copyright is necessary to give people the incentive to keep
creating, because I guarantee the first time I took what you did and
made a fortune on it that was rightfully yours, your motivation to be
creative would certainly be impaired.  Ask some people who have had
famous works taken away from them under work for hire clauses and see
how they feel about trying to make a living as a creative person.

That's not to say copyright is a perfect system.  There are many issues
with it right now that need to be resolved so that the public's
freedom's are protected.  It's certainly better than the alternative though.


Clint Sharp
New Media Guy & Technologist            Contact Info:

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