On Sat, 13 Aug 2005 20:53:23 +0200, Brett Gaylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Ok, I see that working for Rocketboom, but how would that work for
> someone making a personal slice of life kind of videoblog?
> If someone collaborated with me on this   http://www.etherworks.ca/
> journal.shtml  it would not be what I was trying to make.  Its a
> point well taken but doesn't really solve my dilemma of how to find
> time for this (which is probably a personal dilemma anyway)

Cut down on production time. Don't try to make a three or seven minute 
'show'. You're videoblogging, not making tv. Do just one take instead of 
five, edit quick (not so muhc fancy stuff), don't worry about the result 
being 'perfect' (it doesn't matter anyway).

Don't forget that you're blogging. It's about the short, quick bursts 
where the occasional 'typo' doesn't matter.

A texual equivalent would be if you tried to write an essay every day for 
your blog. That wouldn't work either. You write blog entries. They're 
short, light on editing and we don't really care about a typo or two. 
Embrace that thinking and then you'll be (video)blogging happily.

- Andreas
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