Some of you may remember that I mentioned this a month or two ago. I'm
bringing my wife and kids over to Toronto for a family wedding at the
start of October.

We've now booked our flights, so the dates are a bit more set. The
wedding is on October 1st, and we will be staying in Canada, exploring
the area and the sights and generally available from October 2nd until
we fly out on October 8th.

I would really would love to get together at some point with some
local videobloggers. I'll have a rental car so anywhere within
striking distance of Toronto would probably be OK. If anyone from the
US side is interested in meeting up that would be great too - either
someone crosses over the border, or we can just film each other from
either side of the gorge at Niagara Falls :)

I don't know if I'm going to manage it yet, but I'm also hoping to get
to visit one end or another of the eurovloggercon in Amsterdam - I
think it would be quite cool to carry "virtual wishes" from one group
to another.

If anyone _is_ interested in meeting up, please contact me, and we'll
see what we can work out.


Frank Carver

Individual Fireant Explains


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