hey pete - thanks for your help.  unfortunately, that went way over my
head.  i am, by far, the least techy person on this list.

i have a blogger account (missingkittentv.com/blogger).  does that
mean i can use this code to block them?  and, if so, where do i put it
in my template?

and, while we're at it, what is apache?

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Pete Prodoehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> mariah & katharine wrote:
> > sweet!  thanks, jan! 
> >
> > just did that.  but since nothing happened (no confirmation), its hard
> > to tell if it really went through.
> >
> > they also have this bit below it:
> > -----
> > Hotlink Protection
> > Below is an example of a basic .htaccess file that will block the
> > hotlinking of video files. Feel free to modify and use. While this
> > will not prevent BlogTelevision.net from indexing you, it will prevent
> > BlogTelevision.net from displaying your videos inline.
> >
> > RewriteEngine On
> > RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www\.)?example\.com/ [NC]
> > RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
> > RewriteRule \.(mpe?g|asf|asx|mov|avi)$ - [F]
> > -----
> >
> > this is not a type of code that i am familiar with.  does anyone here
> > know what it will do and what im supposed to do with it?  do i have to
> > put this in my blogger template, or in every post with enclosures?
> >
> > confused.
> You need to be hosting your site on a server running Apache that will
> allow you to use .htaccess files to control your site. Check with your
> hosting provider if you can do this or not. (Just ask if you can use
> htaccess files.)
> Pete
> --
> http://tinkernet.org/
> videoblog for the future...


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