Regardless of where anybody stands on the Apple issue, it clearly is
an issue, its fine if some people have no problem with it, but I hope
thats not the same as not seeing why anybody else might have a problem
with it.

For a multitude of reasons there are strange and interesting
phenomenon at work whenever it comes to the Apple/PC divide.
videoblogging didnt have anything to do with this problem or its
origins, but it is affected by it, and it saddens me to see the
artificial barriers tat are created between users of the different

Firstly if we put aside all the PC/Mac baggage, and treat Apple just
as any other company, there are issues. Anytime you partner up with
any other entity, it has implications. There may well be no
significant ones, but its always good idea to listen to any possible
problems that partnership causes, as being unresponsive to potential
issues might make things worse.

I dont know anything about the direct implications, ie restrictions,
that having a presentation at apple are. What are they? Do they mind
people going on about PCs?

Do we know anything about how willing non-apple users are to go to
apple stores, do they feel comfortable? In this respect the issue is
no different than whether holding things at academic institutes will
put off certain people who cant stand academia and that environment?

What is the actual balance of mac/pc tools/methods/guides, the actual
presentation itself, like? Is it as useful to PC users as Mac ones?

Its a shame its an issue at all, it highlights a chronic lack of open
social spaces that come without baggage.

Personally Id be a concerned humanoid only if the balance was wrong,
or if the occasional Mac/PC _expression_ of snobbishness was actually
turned into action/words by those humans actually doing/driving the
node101 stuff.

The question may not even be whether it is appropriate to do them at
Apple stores, but to make sure that you dont do them ONLY at Apple

As to platform suitability, I dont think it should be mixed with the
apple store debate. But for what its worth I became a Mac user for the
furst time this year, I prefer the OS and some of the apps, but there
isnt actually any dramatic variation in how easy it is to videoblog on
windows or osx. My reality test for whether Mac-bias afflicts a
specific persons advise to a would-be videoblogger, is the issue of
cost. If there is general denial that the PC is far more accessible
from a cost/choice perspective, then I wont be standing up for the Mac.

Its like nationalism in a way, people are for the most part bound to
prefer the country they are actually in, and the computer platform
they currently use, because they are familiar to us. We like knowns,
we like to experience for ourselves, to be comfortable through
knowledge. Its similar to fame too. Famous people are just people that
most people know. We can talk about them to other people, so they
become common reference points in societies. The bloke at work doesnt
know my auntie, so a  conversation about her will bore him. But
captain famouspants from soap X is like a mutual associate who we can
both talk about because we both 'know' captain famouspants. In this
way at least the issues of fame will touch videoblogging one day,
wibble hows about that for an offtopic waffle.

Steve of Elbows

--- In, Pete Prodoehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Adam Quirk wrote:
> > On 8/23/05, Stephanie Bryant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> > a) Most people don't use or know anything about Macs
> >>
> >> A lot of people who do this use Macs. And Macs aren't exactly rocket
> >>science.
> >
> > Yeah, but like I said, most people don't use or know anything about
> > Macs.  If the purpose of these things is to teach people how to
> > videoblog, we just need to keep in mind the fact that a pretty small
> > percentage of U.S. citizens know anything about Macs.
> A pretty large percentage of people that I associate with use Macs.
> > The general public uses PC.
> Ah, the "general public" eh? A group I tend to avoid... ;)
> Pete
> --
> videoblog for the future...


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