Yes, I have been thinking about this.

I have my eye on a local Teen Recreation Center and also want to
inquire at an active senior center. Now most of these non-profit
places have PC and funky (as in anything from Windows 98 to Windows
2000) donated computers. But they would love to have someone come in
and do something with their folks for little or no cost.

I can switch both ways but I do my production work on a PC. I love
Macs I just can't afford to switch at this time.

So I think if we can locate places that have computers and a target
population that will go a long way. I also think the PC vlog folks
have got to make their pitch and prove that you can be creative on a
PC, it just takes longer and you lose more brain cells in the process.

--- In, ""
> Does anyone have any other suggested venues that would works in most
> cities?
> Libraries could offer computers, but they don't usually have
> presentation areas.  Another problem is buzz.  I'm not sure about
> ratio of planned versus spontaneous attendance, but the goal is to
> attract new people.  Most people don't know a damn thing about
> vlogging, let alone entrenched enough to know about a slightly
> event on the topic in their local area.
> Sorry for the rant and the lack of location suggestions.  All I can
> come up with is that we need more promotion for these events.
> Needless to say, I'm chasing my own tail.
> Oh and the censorship will always remain an issue when you are
> videos to a crowd.  You never know a person's level of tolerance and
> there very well may be little ones in attendance.
> -Matt
> --------------------------------------
> --- In, Adam Quirk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > It's a great venue, I agree, with a nice theater area for showing
> > work.  But maybe somewhere with PCs around too would be helpful
> > the large % of people out there who want to vlog but don't have a

Individual Fireant Explains


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