On 10/16/05, Gena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I refuse to obey this.

Me too.

I live in California. Do you know how many dang blasted ringtones I
hear (against my will) in a day? Each and every time one rings
somebody is getting paid.

Momma says "Every time a phone rings, a lawyer gets a reacharound." 

The saddest part of all this is seeing the musicians that get caught up in it and go down in flames when they realize that they've just alienated their fans because they were pursuing $ instead of their art.

Most of us, like most indy bands, are doing this stuff cause we love it and we want to create something.  If you go into something with the sole intention of whoring it and making money, you'll usually end up with a significantly lower quality product than those that are doing it solely for the passion.

I think the power of Creative Commons will start to affect the music industry soon.  When more up-and-coming artists start releasing CC stuff,  then the Big labels sign them, the artists won't forget where they came from and will refuse to be bullied into ridiculous distro contracts.

There is hope.

As for this:

We are getting closer to the time of "...This is the day that the
music died." 

"Light a candle, yes, but also drive a rivet" - Lileks


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