
Thank you for you comment, I like to think that all my work is on the net somewhere where people can view my anthology or evolution into video making from start to finish, a record of what is past, present and future. I guess you are right in raising that question but my target audience is not only dailymotion but worldwide, after all this is the "world wide web" and a lot of people are putting their vlog content out as podcasts that one can view on the new ipods, I just thought it would be a good thing to try and get a foot into this new and emerging part of the whole publicity thing.

<x-tad-bigger>Merci de vous commentaire, j'aime penser que tout mon travail est sur le filet quelque part où les gens peuvent regarder mon anthologie ou évolution dans la vidéo faisant à partir du début à la finition, un disque de ce qu'est au delà, présent et futur. Je devine vous avez raison en augmentant que la question mais ma assistance de cible est non seulement dailymotion mais dans le monde entier, après que tout ce soit le "World Wide Web" et un bon nombre de gens eteignent leur contenu de vlog comme podcasts qu'on peut regarder sur les nouveaux ipods, j'a juste pensé que ce serait une bonne chose pour essayer et entrer un pied dans la présente nouvelle et naissante partie de la chose entière de publicité.


On 27 Oct 2005, at 13:14, Loiez D. wrote:

I had the same problem last night
The blogging fonctionalitie on Dailymotion his very good
but i have not the API on my  xi-vlog.

On the french vlogger list we have a question about "archives" and "flux"
"Is archives important for vlogging ?"
"What is important on vlogging ?
Yersteday, today, or tomorrow ? "


Le 27 oct. 05 à 13:53, Paul Knight a écrit :

Today I have just re-jigged my site slightly, all my videos were previously linked to my slot
in dailymotion.com, but as from yesterday all of my links didn't work. (Many thank to
Susan Kirkpatrick for noticing and informing me) So I am now using dailymotions 1 click
blog feature which is ever so good, not only is it more efficient it also lets you view my
videos from the actual vlog page instead of the old blank page situation I had before.
Only trouble is I have taken the option to subscribe via itunes away, because although my
feed is working fine within feedburner and you can still subscribe that way, there is
something missing in the itunes department as far a feed is concerned from dailymotion.
I have asked them today for a solution and currently waiting for them to get back to me.
So all you lovely people who have supported me in my endevours and subscribed via
itunes, may have to do it again once I have it up and running. Sorry guys, these things are
sent to make us better, I am sure. Don't for one minute think I am angling for more
visitors, oh well maybe, but anyone who may have visited before, please if you have the
time, visit again and re leave messages, I have had to delete all the lovely comments and
stuff due to the change.



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