I had to chuckle when I read Petertheman's comment:"Michael Verdi has over 7000 (!) subscribers (because new users are
subscribed to his feed by default), but "only" 6706 views. So
subscribers doesn't equal to people watching."
I chuckled because I have downloaded and saved all the Freevlog tutorials on my PC.  I still pull them out if there has been a few days since I vlogged to make sure I do everything correctly.
I play them on my PC, freeze the video as I do the task and then continue.  I jokingly told Ryanne that sometimes I felt like she and Michael were roommates of mine since I viewed them so often--especially when I first started vlogging.
So, there are numbers behind some numbers.  I know that I am probably on 6 or 8 of the 6706 views.  But since I have watched each video a few times since downloading--even playing them for friends since they play more evenly from my "saved" version--my small numbers should be multiplied by ten at least.
If many did as I did, Verdi would really have something like 67,060 views.  Oh, we can play such games with numbers.

Randolfe (Randy) Wicker
Videographer, Writer, Activist
Advisor: The Immortality Institute
Hoboken, NJ

Individual Fireant Use


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