Jack Nelson says:
"I don't see why watching old movies make you unable to stay young. I'm 55 years old and
love old movies, new movies, vlogs, classical music, rock music, computers and the
internet. They are not mutually exclusive. Certain peoples brains may exclude any of these
things, but that is their problem, not the media's problem."
Movies reflect the values of their day.  There is nothing wrong with watching selected old movies.  However, many people become trapped "in their times" by becoming fixated on movies made only in one time period while totally ignoring current offerings.
The problem with the media in general is that it is a vast wasteland.  I have two hundred channels to choose between and sometimes can't find one mentally stimulating thing to watch.
Letting media "sink" to the common mindless level is a social tragedy.  That is why we have entertainment-style journalism that focuses on the lives of celebrities instead of important news of the day.
We used to have guidelines that required so many minutes of news, the right to free "equal time" to those attacked in the media, so many minutes for public service announcements, etc.  That has all gotten lost.
Jack Nelson continues:
"As a big fan of cinema I always am surprised at the lack of knowledge that young people
have of old films. I've heard many comments like "I never watch anything made before
1970" or something similar. This is just as bad as not watching anything new. Watch it all!
Soak it up! Learn from everyone!"
This is just the flip side of what I am saying.  People become the prisoner of "their time" and don't learn, grow and change as they get older.

Randolfe (Randy) Wicker
Videographer, Writer, Activist
Advisor: The Immortality Institute
Hoboken, NJ
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2005 9:02 AM
Subject: [videoblogging] Re: Old movies on the Internet?

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Randolfe Wicker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]...> wrote:
> I just read a news story that they are going to make all these old movies available on the
Internet.  This makes me suspect that we vloggers are going to get lost between Bette
Davis and "Laurel & Hardy".  People, like water, seem to seek the lowest common level.

If they are going to put old movies on the internet, so what? Unless you yourself are
putting movies on the internet you're not really "competting" with them anyway. People
who want to watch vlogs will still want to watch vlogs (even if the occasionally watch old

> I know that there are "great" old movies.  However, I have a special prejudice against
them.  I'm sixty-seven years old.  When I go to some gathering of men, especially gay men
my own age, they aren't talking about the new exciting "TransGeneration" documentary on
Sundance or offerings on the new (unique) gay cable channels like Logo or "Here! On
> No, they are talk about watching some old Bette Davis movie to avoid watching Bush's
acceptance speech.
> So, I really hate old movies.  "Old" movies make prisoners of those unable to stay young
and keep up with the changing times.  I shudder every time I meet an intelligent person
over fifty who still doesn't have a computer!  (Shudder! Shudder!)

I don't see why watching old movies make you unable to stay young. I'm 55 years old and
love old movies, new movies, vlogs, classical music, rock music, computers and the
internet. They are not mutually exclusive. Certain peoples brains may exclude any of these
things, but that is their problem, not the media's problem.

As a big fan of cinema I always am surprised at the lack of knowledge that young people
have of old films. I've heard many comments like "I never watch anything made before
1970" or something similar. This is just as bad as not watching anything new. Watch it all!
Soak it up! Learn from everyone!


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