I have bought and prepaid for space on Dreamhost.  However, I've started my vlogs on Blip TV because I don't know how to use Dreamhost or set up a web site.  Can you run your vlogs from both places?  Is there anyone who you can hire to help you set up a site on Dreamhost?
Lost in cyberspace,
Vloggingly yours,
Randolfe (Randy) Wicker
Videographer, Writer, Activist
Advisor: The Immortality Institute
Hoboken, NJ
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 10:13 AM
Subject: Re: [videoblogging] Re: Looking for the perfect host site....

with dreamhost you can set up your account for throttling

this means that if you reach and go over your limit on one day, the
next day you have it so dreamhost automatically puts up a page that
displays to visitors that you have exceeded your bandwidth and to come
back later...

On Nov 15, 2005, at 8:52 PM, Randolfe Wicker wrote:

> what does dream host do if you exceed allocation? it happened to Verdi
> when Dylan spiked if I recall.

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