Petertheman says:
"Second: we as vloggers, for some reason, aren't really linking a lot
to each other's videos. I'm not sure why that is."
I think linking is frequently done on the basis that the more links you put on your site, the more hits you get.
For that reason, at least with websites, you link to anyone who will link back to you.
I have noticed some vloggers who have great vlogs and who link to others who have outstanding vlogs.  However, I also have seen people with a long list of links that are essentially meaningless.
Someone should develop "explained" linking.  In other words, if I link to jonny goldstein (which I have) I say (great humor).  That would help people decide if they were interested.
If this can be done and I just don't know how, excuse my ignorance.  Has anyone done this?
Randolfe (Randy) Wicker
Videographer, Writer, Activist
Advisor: The Immortality Institute
Hoboken, NJ
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, December 04, 2005 6:04 PM
Subject: [videoblogging] Re: making directories

> You're assuming that the lact of a directory is a problem.

Here's my view.

First, with video, you need a lot more info to decide where to put
your attention than with text, because video demands more attention
(you can't just quickly scan it like a text post, for example). So for
video, you need more filters, metadata, information that helps you
decide what to put your limited attention towards. It's an attention
war. Hence, directories can be useful.

Second: we as vloggers, for some reason, aren't really linking a lot
to each other's videos. I'm not sure why that is. But it does mean
that we have less interlinking than textbloggers to help people
discover new stuff. Hence, a directory makes sense, again.

Third: search for video is an unsolved problem, and will continue to
be, especially for our type of long tail video. Hence, .. you get the
picture :)

Then again I could be wrong also and Google might come out with a
great algorythmic way to find videos you want to watch, or we might
all start linking like crazy to each others videos and we wouldn't
need directories to discover cool stuff. Oh well.


Individual Fireant Typepad


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