> The point of the recent Four Eyed Monsters discussion seems to have
> been "how to use the Internet to promote your more traditional film",
> which I'd argue has jack to do with this list.

> What do you think?


I've been putting video on a blog since October '05, and have been on this list since about the same time. Does that make me a videoblogger or not? Frankly, I don't care. I'm interested in exploring rich communication, and the way that communication changes according to the medium employed. The intersection of video and blogs is interesting to me as a medium, and I enjoy experimenting with it to see what is possible.

Recently, I've been struggling with a direction for my blog. When you point a camera at your face and speak into it, you have nowhere to hide, except within yourself. The technique is so personal. So while I started the blog to explore the communication possibilities of the medium, I've had to confront the personal nature of the work I'm producing. My most recent post is about the difficulty of being personal in a medium that threatens to reveal all. The post was a direct (and very clumsy) response to FEM, especially the incredibly inspiring Episode 3.5, which did a beautiful job of exploring the difficulty of the creative process, the difficulty of confronting personally revealing material, and was itself incredibly open and personal. It moved me deeply.

I'm trying to do work that moves me. I'll leave the naming of that activity to others.


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