Hey Paul,
I've been at SXSW all day. I'm going to sleep for a few hours, get up and work on my book, and then drive back up to Austin. So here are my quick answers. If you need more, from me at least, it'll have to wait till later in the week.

1.  What are your objectives?
The main idea is to teach people how to videoblog. Personally I think videoblogging is an amazing way to communicate and I think it will make the world a better place. That's how I see it. Well, that and I really just like to teach.
I guess in addition to being a place to learn about videoblogging, we also want NODE101 to be places where people can connect in person. As an artist I get inspired and get strength from being around others doing things that I think are good or cool or important. So really, I'd like a place to hang out with other people like me so that maybe we could all kick ass together.

2.  Why do you want to take on the media?
I'm not sure what you are referring to. I would like to see some people take on the media but I don't think it's a particular objective of NODE101. A week or two I sent an email to the list about a woman who's been coming to the San Antonio node and now she's reporting on a local art agency. It's an important thing here in San Antonio but I had no hand in it other than giving here the tools and encouraging her to pursue what she was passionate about. Here's her blog if you missed it: http://barbararenaud.blogspot.com/

3.  How much do you charge people to go on these courses?
The basic idea is to have it be free but that's not always the case. In some cases, there are classes given through other institutions and there is some cost. Where that happens we try to have a way for people to get scholarships. In any case, there still are free classes in those communities - I'm thinking of San Francisco where Schlomo has taught classes though Bay Area Video Coalition (who charges). He also spends his own money and time to do other classes for free.
4.  Do you all still have jobs in the film/TV industry?
Speaking for myself, I've never really had a job in that industry. I've always been an artist and a freelancer. My current job, much to my amazement, is writing a book.

5.  How exclusive is Node 101, could I join and do the same over here?
It's not exclusive. We've really never come up with rules on how this works - though that's been pretty clumsy as Jan had to just appoint herself as the Road Node.

6.  How do you guys actually see the newbies such as myself, without any media training, videoblogging?

I'm not sure what you're asking - I don't think you're a newbie. Here's my stab at it: I think we could do a much better job at helping people do more than just the basics of putting video on a blog. I think there is lots of room for improvement in the area of teaching people how to tell stories - of how to find their own stories. I think we're all thinking about how we can do that. Ryanne and I tried to put a lot of that in out book. Jay has some ideas for making that happen too. We'll definitely be trying some stuff out with the next version of Freevlog along those lines.

7.  Do you have ordinary jobs or do you actually work for or at Node 101?

We all have different jobs though probably not ordinary. I also think  we consider the work we do for NODE101 as a serious responsibility - like a job.  Though NODE101 isn't really an actual legal entity and it certainly doesn't have any employees

I am asking these questions just to get a feel for this group, and to get a proper perspective to the kind of people I am reading the e-mails from on a daily basis.  You see I thought it was okay to involved in Videoblogging so long as you had a camcorder, a computer with editing software and a broadband connection, a little bit of talent and a self inflated ego to be able to post my face on line.  

I'm not sure what you are getting at here. Actually one reason to have NODE101 around is so that you don't even have to have those tools. You can come down to my node and use the computers and cameras that I bring from home or if you're in NY you can go on down to MNN and use their equipment.

Please don't refer me to a web page or wiki I would like answers written by you, not some notice board.

You really should just join the email list - maybe that will help:  http://groups.google.com/group/NODE101


Me: http://michaelverdi.com
R&D: http://evilvlog.com
Learn to videoblog: http://freevlog.org
Learn to videoblog in person: http://node101.org

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