If you want to move up from blogger, I suggest wordpress. You'll need your own webserver space, and the bravery to try some scary-seeming installation steps (that in the end aren't bad at all) to get wordpress onto your server space. Moving all your old posts from blogger to wordpress is easy -- which is cool, because you don't have to start over or retype everything... all your old posts are moved over + retained. As for the templates, no, you can't use a blogger template for anything but blogger. You'll have to pick out a wordpress template. Perhaps that's a place to start -- go surfing for a wordpress template (called a "theme") and see if there are any you like. You can modify them easily by just swapping out images (masthead, background etc.) More complex modifications are pretty hard and something most people don't do. Adding / changing the links in the sidebar, etc, is super easy -- easier than with blogger 'cause you do it in the blog adminstration world (in forms) not on the template/theme documents.
Wordpress is more powerful than blogger -- categories being the biggest new feature. AND since the whole rig-a-ma-roll in on _your_ server, (not half on your server (if you have one) and half on their servers (like blogger), then if wordpress servers go down, it doesn't affect you at all.
[All of this is me writing about wordpress the full install -- gotten at wordpress.org, and not wordpress.com, the new free service. The problem with Wordpress.com is that it's very limited in how you can customize how it looks. Basically you are stuck with their pre-fab templates without any way to modify them -- so I don't recommend that service (yet).]

Check out:
for links to wordpress theme collections and other info.

good luck!!
and hey, email me if you'd like some help,


On Mar 24, 2006, at 12:10 PM, missbhavens1969 wrote:

Comment windows that won't load. Crashing. Posts and comments getting eaten. Blah, blah,
blah. I like it's no-frilledness and ease of use, but the bugs seem to be mounting and I have
fears of my videoblog vanishing into this air (I do back up, though).

If nothing changes about my feed, and I decide to move on to greener vlog pastures, can  I
take my template with me? Just copy the whole thing and paste it elsewhere? Pack up and
leave? It's fairly new and I'm quite fond of it.

Hey! No laughing, computer whizzes! I just don't know this stuff!

Any input wouls be helpful,


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