
Hold My Beer and Watch This (http://mortaine.blogspot.com) is broken via the ActiveX issue. If you need to test, go there.

I skipped over the MSIE stuff because I figured (a) MS would have to be utter idiots to court widespread webmaster hatred like that, and (b) it probably didn't apply to me anyway, since I don't care if my site works in MSIE-- if other people can't be bothered to design their sites to work in the web browser I use, then why should I return the courtesy?


On 4/16/06, Michael Verdi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'd like to second Bill's thoughts about helping people. That's the point of this group. That being said I don't feel like this issue is solved for people until we can really test these solutions out. I just downloaded all the updates for Windows and IE that I could find and I don't get the active x warning box on anything. I'd love to get it so that I can verify what solutions work.

Stephanie Bryant
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