On 4/20/06, Josh Leo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
watching this video, i can't help but think that 2 weeks ago when I looked at veoh and saw all my friends videos on veoh, populating their pages, that perhaps all those faces, all those "independant producers" "using" veoh helped them land this deal.

I am curious... anyone interested in the technology/service that veoh is offering (ignore the bad blood)?

Personally, I think they have a good site, and a good service.  I've chosen not to list my stuff because I don't believe their actions were accidental and I don't believe in their business practices.  It's great that they are trying to make amends, but....I've still got my opinions.

And it is a shame, because I think they do have a good thing.  Maybe not the best thing for videobloggers, but as Anne has said in the past for they seem more suited independent film-makers, etc.

I just can't see myself using it any time soon...

On 4/20/06, Halcyon Lujah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Speaking of Dmitry, he was interviewed on CNBC:

p.s. are the people who have issues with Veoh unhappy with the way they fixed it? or just upset they made a mistake in the first place?  Or something else?   Is anyone's content on Veoh that doesn't want it there? 

On 4/20/06, Michael Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
Veoh.com is where you can see the transcoded flv previews.

Btw, I like Veoh way more than crApple iTunes. 
God forbid people speak out against precious Apple.

At least people... humans... speak to us here from Veoh.  Christ, the CEO responded!
When has anyone from Apple contributed to the conversation of videoblogging?



Josh Leo



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