>  does IE know how to *properly* display a transparent PNG yet?  I doubt it

Nope. Unless that's new functionality added to IE 7


On 4/21/06, Markus Sandy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  nice idea, but given how long it's taken to get support for just JPEG, GIF
> and PNG in the <img> tag, i'm not too hopeful about a universal <video> tag
> that supports multiple video formats
>  i think we're on our own on this > >
>  does IE know how to *properly* display a transparent PNG yet?  I doubt it
> :p
>  Charles Iliya Krempeaux wrote:
>  Hello John,
>  Honestly, I'd rather see browsers (and other software) support video
> natively.  (The same way that, for example, PNG's are supported natively and
> do NOT require a plug-in to be viewed.)  And have it so all you need is to
> use a <video> element to embed videos... like the how HTML <img> element
> embeds images.  (SMIL already has a <video> element.)
>  I like Flash.  (And I really don't want to get into a heated debate
> but,....)  (Although alot of people can....) Not everyone can view Flash.
> And (more importantly) Flash isn't an "open format" (like HTML, XML, PNG,
> Ogg Vorbis, Ogg Theora, etc) that everyone has the freedom to implement and
> do whatever they want with.
>  Flash is a proprietary format owned by Adobe/Macromedia.  And
> Adobe/Macromedia restricts what can and can't be done with their free/gratis
> Flash player.  Not to mention Adobe/Macromedia seems to be the only ones
> allowed to create server side software for Flash... for example, the RTMP
> protocol is completely closed and proprietary... and it's yet to be seen if
> Adobe/Macromedia would invoke the DMCA against anyone who reverse engineered
> it.
>  But having said all that, I do think it is acceptable to have Flash as one
> of many different options of watching a vlog.  But it should NOT be the only
> one.  You have to have a way for completely Free access to vlogs and
> Internet TV.  (There should NOT be a "tax" on vlogs and Internet TV.)
>  Please, refer to this for something related:
> http://maketelevision.com/log/why_ogg_theora_matters_for_internet_tv
>  See ya
> On 4/21/06, John Dowdell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [ FYI: This thread was started as a response to another conversation, in
>  the "What's The Perfect Vlogging Software?" thread. This means that the
>  new topic will be invisible to those whose emailer follows threading
>  conventions, and made the archive misthreaded too:
>     Hitting "New" for new conversations and pasting in the Yahoo Groups
>  mailing address is cleaner than hitting "Reply" to start a new
>  discussion, thanks in advance. ]
>  Nathan Miller asked for help in understanding this incoming message::
>  >> Hey Nathan, do you realise you've got ActiveX employed
>  >> on your Web site? It's causing these really annoying
>  >> pop-up messages to appear in my browser every time I
>  >> access your page. I use IE 6. Can you do something
>  >> about this?
>  Not knowing the literal alert the person saw makes it hard for any of us
>  to be definitive.
>  If this person is using Microsoft Internet Explorer for Windows, then
>  they are by definition using ActiveX Controls to render some of their
>  content.
>  I visited your site in Firefox/WinXP, and also saw alerts. I have an
>  older version of QuickTime installed, but did not have the codecs
>  necessary to view that QT content. Here's what's going on:
>  When someone visits your video page in a plugin-using browser (Mozilla,
>  Safari, Opera, others) then the server identifies the media type of this
>  extended content via the MIME type abbreviations. The browser then
>  checks which plugins it has that can display this video type, invokes
>  the plugin, and displays the content. In Microsoft's Window browser, the
>  OBJECT tag identifies the ActiveX Control which the designer wants to
>  use (via the CLSID), and identifies any minimum version (via the
>  CODEBASE argument).
>  In both cases, the browser will throw up an alert if the plugin or
>  control is not installed. IE/Win will also do a version check, and will
>  also do a background-download of the necessary Control. Some plugins
>  (such as QuickTime, I believe) will also throw up their own alert if the
>  renderer is too old to render more modern content.
>  Bottom line: If your visitor's browser cannot yet render your content,
>  they will see an alert, and the browser will try to guide them to an
>  updated browser extension, in either Netscape Plugin or ActiveX wrapper.
>  What to do? This person will be seeing lots of similar alerts in
>  IE/Win... it's not solely your responsibility. Your *site* doesn't use
>  ActiveX so much as his *browser* uses ActiveX, and your site tries to
>  accommodate their choice.
>  How to minimize? This is self-serving of me, admitted, but it's easiest
>  to use video in the Adobe Flash video architecture. More people have
>  this browser extension than any other, and more people have the current
>  version than have the current versions of any other WWW technology.
>  This will not eliminate all browser-incapability alerts, but will reduce
>  them greatly... in its first three months over 50% of consumers tested
>  had already updated to Flash Player 8, so the odds are much better that
>  your audience will not see any update alerts.
>  Sorry I took so long, but I hope the above background helps figure out
>  what they're objecting to. (And like other folks in this thread, I don't
>  see any connection to the "Eolas" behavior change in IE/Win... only
>  commonality seems to be the word "ActiveX" in the title.)
>  jd
>  --
>  John Dowdell . Adobe Developer Support . San Francisco CA USA
>  Weblog: http://weblogs.macromedia.com/jd
>  Aggregator: http://weblogs.macromedia.com/mxna
>  Technotes: http://www.macromedia.com/support/
>  Spam killed my private email -- public record is best, thanks.
>  --
>      Charles Iliya Krempeaux, B.Sc.
>      charles @ reptile.ca
>      supercanadian @ gmail.com
>      developer weblog: http://ChangeLog.ca/
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> Markus Sandy
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