On 4/24/06, Casey McKinnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was shocked when I first heard it... Rudy and I think it may have
> fallen in the public domain because of those racist slurs.

"Let's Do It" is in the public domain? How did you determine that?

I wouldn't get too exercised about the lyrics. When originally
written, they were probably neutral, at least to white people. Not so
long ago, it was acceptable to call black people negroes.

As far as I can tell (having listen to a lot of Cole Porter), there
are various versions of some songs depending on how they were used,
e.g. originally as numbers in a musical, later adapted as stand-alone
songs. The line "I get no kick from cocaine" from "I Get a Kick Out of
You" evidently bothered nobody in the 20s, but was excised from some
later versions, then reinstated for the Broadway show "Anything Goes"
in the 1980s. That show itself was kind of a compilation of Porter

best regards,
Deirdré Straughan

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