hmmm, you obviously left out the search words where  it  is in the top 3
or 4

such as "videoblogging"

also, most of the top search results will lead you here very quickly
because of link love

one obvious exception: the new vlogmap seems to have far less links to
the "external" community on it's main pages

no obvious  badges, links , etc.  on front page

if it is so important for this group to be visible, why not point to it
more directly???

i think vlogmap II looks fantastic, but i must admit I use it much less
since the changes (i was a daily user)

i'm not 100% sure why, but  i think it was mainly just small changes to
the feedburner stats page for me

also, it seemed that the  node101 sites got lost in the shuffle

btw, here's a great video that discusses the effects of UI changes on
communities wrote:

>My point is that the Yahoo Group is small, hidden and not gear for
>There are many topics here that would benefit people outside the
>group, but it does not have enough exposure.  Search 'vlog', 'vlogs',
>'video blog' or 'video blogs' and the Yahoo Group does not come up.


Markus Sandy

Fireant Individual Use


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