hi wayne.

welcome wayne!

i imagine you will get many great responses and here are a few of my fav's.

i also wanted to invite you to join us at vloggercon in SF on june
10-11.  Please tell your friends.


some fav eposodics:

http://www.human-dog.com has several (summer of van torre, etc.)

markus sandy

p.s., i was with a team of vloggers that gave a presentation at your
school last year.  you guys have a great facility there.

brandenburg_wayne wrote:

>Hello Everyone,
>I'm a student at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco, CA.
>I'm interested in making web episodic shows.  I was wondering if
>anyone here has any good examples of current web episodic shows.  I am
>working on getting my own vlog up as the instructions on the main page
>of this group suggests.  I hope to get my films up so others can see
>my work.  Are there any other aspiring filmmakers here?  I'd love to
>watch your work.  I'm of the mindset that one can never stop learning
>and there is no better teacher than one's peers.
>Thank you,
>Yahoo! Groups Links



Markus Sandy


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