It looks like you are using regular html pages for your site.  The
problem with this is that adding a comment system will require you to
manage (copy/paste) the code to each page.  If you wanted/needed to
change the comment system (or even your site design), you would then
need to edit every single html page.

Instead, I highly recommend you migrate the site over to a blogging
application. is one application among many that allows
you to design a site-wide theme which consists of only a few files,
and commenting it built-into the application (along w/ many other

Who is your web host now?


--- In, "jean-marc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I produce an online video on Space & Society which gets 90% of its hits 
> unfortunately through itunes.
> To get more web visitors I was considering setting up a 
> Comments window.
> Problem 1: is it going to look bad if there's few comments
> Problem 2: can someone help me set it up? I haven't been able to for 
> the life of me! My pref. would be a narrow pop-up on the side (see 
> rocketboom's) has with no registeration reqd.

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