
First of all, I can understand why you were tired, given all the work you
did in putting together a great vlog europe (I know Andreas did a lot of
work too). Despite that, I thought it was a very good interview anyway. You
were instrumental in making this such a great experience for me (and
everybody else for that matter).

By the way, I'm afraid I was too sleep deprived to ever truly understand the
potential of TVblob, but you did a very good job of explaining that in the
interview so that now I understand and appreciate the power of the system.

Second, I guess I fogot to do submit on the comment, which is a bummer since
I don't have the energy to do it again ... now that I think about it I might
cheat and just paste my email ... I pretty much wrote the same thing.

On 12/1/06, Deirdre Straughan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Where is the comment? Can't find it on insanefilms.
> I was very tired during that interview so perhaps not as articulate as I'd
> have liked, but Madge's question also hit some nerves with me. I've been
> thinking a lot about the US and my own reactions to it, which are stronger
> every time I go back there now (mostly recently, in August). I've written
> a
> few thousand words on this, but haven't published much yet as I still am
> not
> entirely sure myself what I feel, let alone why.
> You're totally right about the polarization of the US population, and I
> get
> that. But there seems to be more going on. I just haven't nput my finger
> on
> what yet.
> I'm sorry you and I didn't get more time to talk during the week, but am
> very glad to hear you had a good time and got a lot out of it - whether or
> not that's tangential to vlogEurope, it's a great result as far as I'm
> concerned.
> On 12/1/06, Richard (Show) Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]<>>
> wrote:
> >
> > First of all, I strongly recommend this great interview on insane films
> > with
> > Dierdre Straughan. (Dierdre says some very interesting things and you
> also
> > get to see Madge Weinstein's new look).
> >
> >
> >
> > I ended up leaving this long comment on the post, but, on the outside
> > chance
> > you don't read all the comments on insane films I thought I'd repost it
> > because Dierdre's interview brought up a couple of things that really
> hit
> > home for me.
> >
> > First, I get the impression that the whole world tends to believe that
> the
> > vast majority of Americans are nationalistic and narrow minded. My
> belief
> > is
> > that almost exactly half of Americans are this way and the split is
> > dramatic
> > and real. Much more so in the last 8 years or so than has ever been the
> > case
> > in my 48 years of life in American. I don't think the rest of the world
> > realizes that this dramatic split exists here - the press only focuses
> on
> > (the other) half of us.
> >
> > Second, Vlog Europe literally changed my life and opened my eyes to make
> > me
> > realize why people would want to travel out of the US to countries where
> > they dont' speak your language etc. I've always been pretty much a
> hobbit
> > who doesn't really like adventure and was satisfied to just stay in one
> > place. I can't tell you how fun/great/enlightening Vlog Europe was and
> it
> > was all because of the people who were from different cultures who all
> > shared my same passion (for vlogging and, well, for having fun). Some of
> > those with the most interesting perspectives were the ex-pats like
> > Dierdre,
> > Joel, and (Bicycle) Mark - but all the people I met were really really
> > interesting and the conversations in and out of the conference had this
> > sort
> > of depth that surprised me and I don't thing I ever heard a person the
> > whole
> > time mention anything about number of down loads his/her show had (not
> > that
> > this is bad, just different), and even the session on making money
> turned
> > i
> > to more of a session on philosophy with respect to what is truly
> important
> > in life. (And, by the way, while Madge is very entertaining, I have to
> > tell
> > you that Richard Bluestein is Really interesting and also added a lot to
> > these conversations).
> >
> > ... You know, I haven't even posted the actual comments I made on the
> > Insane
> > Films post, which was the purpose of this email ... I think Michael
> Meiser
> > is rubbing off on me :) (though I could never be as articulate as often
> as
> > my friend Michael is :)
> >
> > ... So, the comments mainly say what I said above, which you can read,
> if
> > you want, after you watch the excellent interview referred to above.
> >
> > ... Richard
> >
> > --
> >
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> >
> --
> best regards,
> Deirdré Straughan
> (personal)
> (work)
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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