So, in sending out an email to each person we have on our site,
telling them what we're about, asking them to check and see if we've
represented them appropriately, asking them to call me or email if
there are questions or concerns, etc., that's not showing an interest
in establishing a relationship? 

My goal in sending those emails is make sure folks are happy. Believe
me, as much as we want to feature your work, show people your original
site, promote the great hosting services who you do business with
(note the new feature of going so far as to say, "Hosted by our
friends at" or Revver, etc), and provide our reviews, your
reviews, tagging, and commentary, our belief is that the community at
large matters most. 

If EVER you don't want to be featured on Network2, please let me know.
I have no problem with an easy opt-out. (Please email me or call me
directly, because I might miss that call on this very active list). 

And if you want to go further with us, and if we have a chance to make
something neat happen with you in 2007, let us know that, too. 

As for being a member of the community, I'm co-Founder of PodCamp, the
free 2 day unconference series. We sponsored Halloween Videoblog Fest
in LA with JETSET and the gang out there. We hosted a videoblogger
meetup in San Francisco before the Vloggies, and a few other smaller
dinners that weekend. I shoot my own (lame) videoblog: I have a podcasting company (well, we don't
make much money, but we call it a company-- Grasshopper New Media).
And Network2 has supported further development of FireAnt (but I'll
let Josh back me up there.) : ) 

I'm not a suit, though I bought one because Casey told me to dress up
for the Vloggies. : ) 

One last bit (sorry for super long posts lately). The RSS as a
relationship tool subject means this to me: RSS enables you to build a
connected relationship with your audience. They can find their way
back to your site, comment using MyChingo or text or whatever you've
set up to help them make this 2 way. It helps you have a sense of how
many people are consuming your stuff, and if you use FeedBurner at
least (my fave), you know who's using what to view your stuff too. 

This has been a great discussion. Thank you to everyone for your
input. Please continue to let me know (send me email or call me) what
matters to you, and what we can do to help. We're working with the
folks who've raised concerns (but we only have two developers, so bear
with us.) : )

--Chris Brogan... 

--- In, "Adam Quirk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As to Network2's involvement in the personal media revolution
> 3rd paragraph of this deals with the
> underlying animosity that is brought upon video portal sites, and says
> exactly this for those that would rather not follow the link:
> The thing about Network2 or Network3 or Network4 is this: If you want to
> > profit from the work of independent producers, you should ask them
> > It's common courtesy.

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