Thank you thank you thank you.  If you search my postings to date 
you'll notice I'm usually a fairly quiet member of this community and 
I've never posted political manifestos.  But I could not remain 
silent when another member asked for silence of political opinion and 
when that request was, itself, political and had political 
motivations.  Plus, those Barney vlogs are, by their very nature, 
political messages with propaganda purposes.  To comment on them 
without acknowledging their purpose is strange, to say the least.  
After 9/11 when our president decided to fly to Nebraska to ensure 
his safety, I commented that he should have come here to NYC.  I was 
told by numerous people that "now is not the time to criticize the 
president."  I disagreed at the time.  That was exactly the right 
time to criticize.  In subsequent months the White House lied about 
air force one's diversion.  They said there were real credible 
substantiated threats to the plane. They were forced, eventually, to 
admit their lie. Mainstream media barely covered the story because, 
ostensibly, then "was not the time to criticize."  Every time I hear 
someone trying to silence political expression a cold chill runs up 
my spine.  The suppressors of political expression are invariably the 
transgressors of political wrong.


--- In, "missbhavens1969" 
> Right! Okay, if this isn't "the right topic for it" then why throw
> this out there:
> "If Kerry made a Christmas video everyone would say "Oh, how cute!"
> Ummm, seems to me like you're just as guilty as the people you're
> accusing of bringing politics into the fray. Get over it. I hate 
> with every fiber of my being and think he's the biggest schnook ever
> to take office, but if Kerry made a doggie Christmas video I'd still
> think it was bullpoop propaganda even if it was cute!
> I'll tell you what: you don't make grand sweeping assumptions about
> Bush-Non-Supporters and I won't make grand sweeping assumptions 
about you.
> Bekah
> --
> --- In, CarLBanks <carlbanks@> wrote:
> >I'm not saying you don't have a right to your opinion. I'm saying
> this isn't the right topic for it!

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