or just simply...after you have watched the video in youtube...right click the 
internet icon...choose properties...then in "browsing history" -click- 
settings...then...choose " view files"---it will show your temporary internet 
files....FLV needs to be stored to be played...
  search for files that start with   "get_video? ....       and see if they are 
1,000...5,000 kb...those are the youtube ones...
  copy them to another folder...RENAME them at the end type...         .flv
  finally use any FLV player...
  if you wanna work on a project...you should convert them into mpg1 at least  
or avi.divx, mp4  files...since the size has been reduced...dont expect much 
more than the size of an ipodvideo file...it means if you post your new movie 
in youtube...they are gonna reconverted it into FLV again..."rewashed"...:)))   
getting a poor quality...
  I mean using flv videos from youtube - looks nice if you plan to post your 
video in your website with the original size and quality . ..not to be 
reconverted...Quick time is the best choice...
  they look nice in my ipod video...but you can't stretch them more
  I use Total Video Player  and  Sorenson Squeeze
  my two cents
  from Chengdu,China

Markus Sandy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          hi lucas

there are firefox plugins that will grab the flv easily


i just tried using iSquint


to convert, but no luck so far


On Jan 26, 2007, at 5:39 PM, Lucas Gonze wrote:

> Hey folks,
> I have this idea to make a mashup with this YouTube video:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=901D-ZyP9Nk
> My idea is to play along on guitar, shoot video of myself playing
> along, and then make a composite video with the original next to the
> new thing. The camera would be the little iSight on my Mac.
> Available software is the iLife tools and Soundtrack Pro.
> The tough part is that I am a total dip when it comes to video.
> Any ideas about how I could make all that come together, given that
> the YouTube stuff is in Flash and probably doesn't even expose the
> FLV?
> -Lucas

Markus Sandy

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