I just confirmed.. I'll be on the panel.  Looking fwd to it.

Now I just need to find a place to stay :)


On 2/28/07, Erin Nealey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   I've decided to be on the vlogging panel at PodCamp Atlanta (coming up
> March 16th-18th). Sadly, there are VERY FEW of us representing
> videoblogging. It would be cool to see some familiar faces there. If
> anyone at all can come out and help represent, it would be GREAT! I
> think they are even still looking for people to be on the panel.
> http://podcamp.pbwiki.com/PodCampAtlanta
> Spaces are filling up fast, so if you can make it, go register!
> Registration is completely free by the way! Hope to see you there!
> Erin Nealey
> Mom's Brag Vlog
> nealey.blogspot.com

http://www.ChrisDanielVideos.com (video blog)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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