Thanks for the tipoff, I watched about half an hour of it, hope I got
all the relevent bits.

Great aim, I might be remembering wrong but I think part of the
original idea of vlogweek was to encourage others to vlog. Quite how
to achieve this is another question, I dont really know how many
lurkers are on this list that are potential vloggers who havent
managed it yet. As someone mentioned in the chat, youtube (and
similar) certainly lowered the ba to being able to put video online.
And Im not sure I can imagine too many vloggers going on youtube and
promoting this idea of videoblog week. I dunno, its something id like
to see, but Im really still unsure of the nature of any seperation
that does exist between the 2 groups. Would vlogweek seem silly to
some youtubers? Are there people who make videos but dont like the
term blog or think of themselves as bloggers? Scratches head and
wonders if youtubers will spontaneously do something similar
themselves, totally independently, at some unknown time. Or maybe not,
 maybe every day is vlogday in youtube land.

Anyway I never really helped with any education/awareness projects
myself, Im unaware of how active the nodes are these days. Off the top
of my head, if you want to make vlogweek alla bout getting new people
to start, some people have to go and promote the week in advance, in
places where people arent so aware of this thing, to focus all efforts
here or even youtube is preaching to the converted a bit. I suppose Id
also love to know some thoughts from any people who used to vlog and
have now stopped for whatever reason, and wheterh vlogweek can help
focus them to return, or just learn what put them off. 

I was mentioned in the chat as somone who doesnt vlog, and I agree
that I was not a good example of the people you are probably trying to
reach. Frankly it pains me that anybody really cares whether I am
vlogging, I did make 3 or 4 videos years ago, maybe it was even for a
vlog-week, I cant remember. One was me saying hello, one was fireant
being shown on a TV monitor (via tv out from graphics card on a pc)
and one was of NASAs world-wind which is an app like google earth. If
I can get myself sorted to make the sorts of vlogs I want to, then I
shall vlog during vlogweek.

Funnily enough that stuff Enric was playing with in the chat, animated
avatar stuff, is something I thought might help me or anybody else
that suffers from shyness or self-image issues or something, to vlog.
I have pondered for some years as to whether such things built into
mobile phones, could be a saviour of the failed 'video phonecall',
maybe people dont want to be seen like that but wouldnt mind hiding
behind an avatar if it as ggood enough, and was based on live camera
input for facial gestures etc. Its taking a long time for any system
good enough to emerge on the desktop let alone the PC.

Collaboration also came up and Im fascinated by the subject but I'll
start a new thread on that.


Steve Elbows
--- In, "Harold Johnson"
> Hey clowns,
> We had a rather excellent videoconference the other day, especially
(in my
> opinion) when we begun talking about how we might be able to help
others to
> begin videoblogging during the upcoming Videoblogging Week 2007:
> Follow the link for more links; jump into the Replay of the
> and jump to 18:51 in the recording to see the topic we discussed.
> Essentially, I was thinking that we could come up with a way to assist
> others during our upcoming event.
> Harold
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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