>  when we have an event like vbloggingweek, surely the onus is on those
>  who know about it to market it to those who don't, rather than on
>  them to break their habits and come beyond their walls.  that way we
>  will get more varied responses from the minority of YT users to whom
>  it would appeal but who otherwise wouldn't hear about it.  i'm all
>  for that.
>  there are 43 videos tagged for videobloggingweek06 on the whole of
>  Youtube.  Nothing for 07 under any variety of searches, and it's just
>  a few days away.  Josh Leo, you are a YouTube hero and VB week
>  promoter... can you trail it to your zillion viewers?? :-)
>  surely it's too big a pool of people to not reach out to?

this is absolutely a good idea.
perfect time for someone to step up and make a promo video.

as you say...i dont think anyone here discriminates against youtubers.
our communities just have different tech needs and interests.
but in the end...we're all making video.

who has time to make some promos videos for VideoBlogging Week 2007 for Youtube?

By the way...we're planning a pretty cool event this Saturday in SF to
kick of the rest of the week.
more details to come.


Here I am....

Check out the latest project:
Webvideo festival this June!!!!

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