Hi Daniel,

Am quite happy with Dreamhost, although I hear complaints about down times, 
which I rarely experience.

They're quite cheap and reliable, and offer a lot of disc space and 
bandwith. Also the software they offer is okay.

I have a promotion code for you that will give you 50 USD discount.

Check it out.

Kind regards,

Ruud Elmendorp
+254 736 746 312

----Original Message Follows----
From: Daniel Foster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: videoblogging@yahoogroups.com
To: Videoblogging Yahoo <videoblogging@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: [videoblogging] Dreamhost vs blip.tv?
Date: Tue, 03 Apr 2007 22:17:27 -0700

New to vlogging and setting up my vlog now.  Not certain whether I should go
with an inexpensive high disk-space / bandwidth server (dreamhost) or a host
such as blip.tv.

This will be on my own domain.   I¹ve read over blip¹s licensing terms, so
I¹m aware of that.   I plan to eventually post numerous videos (more than
100) as I already have lots of content.

I¹m tending toward dreamhost, which seems to give me more control ­ and I
could use their QT streaming capabilities.  Would this be a good choice ­ ?
Any other guidance regarding this is much appreciated!


* DF

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