> Hi, can anyone recommend any books or articles, etc, that give advice
> on how to conduct an interview with a guest.  I am looking for tips on
> things to do, and not do during an interview with a guest, from the
> perspective of being the host.  OK, thanks, Ed.

Creative Cow Magazine covered this in...I think it was their February issue.

The big thing to remember is that it's the guest who's the focus, not you,
so just ask a question and let the guest riff.  If you need to steer them
back onto an intended topic, just ask a follow up question, but let the
guest run.  Also, prep is good.  Lots of guests appreciate knowing the
questions you'll be asking in advance, and this gives you both time to
work out what angle the interview will be taking.  Working out the
questions in advance, and even writing them down, can be good because it
gives you a chance to ensure you've got all your bases covered.  Draw up
an outline of points, if it helps you think of more questions.  Also, too
much is better than not enough.  It's better to have an interview go long
than it is to have missed a major point.  Other than that, just remember
you're there to let the guest talk, and it'll go fine.

Unless it's a hostile interview, in which case, disregard that. :)


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