yeah i've started thinking about doing screenings
where people actually read the blog post and project the page
and then play the video
so you get a sense of how one might actually navigate from video to video.

this would give people a better understanding of how people are
communicating through blogs.
might even motivate them to go make one themselves.
which is always key!


On 6/21/07, Jay dedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   > I find this quite an interesting thread, and especially in the wake of
> > Pixelodeon, I find it interesting/strange/concerning/exciting that
> > there is an interest in taking these small format works and putting
> > them up on the big screen. Watching video on a big screen with a
> > group audience vastly changes the way we experience the moving image,
> > so it really takes the videos out of the original context. I'm not
> > saying that's good or bad (though at Pixelodeon I think many of us
> > experienced how wonderful that can be. Long live the movie theater!),
> > nor do I have any particularly well formed thoughts on that at the
> > moment, but I thought I'd throw it out there since it hasn't been
> > addressed.
> i wanted to take a another stab at answering jen's point so i dont
> come off so gruff.
> the web is not TV. that's the mantra.
> I believe that the BLOG aspect of a videoblog is very important.
> pulling videos out of the blog and showing on a big screen does start
> losing some of what I love about what we do.
> So dont think of local vlog screenings as needing to be traditional
> sit/watch/leave.
> Ryanne suggested things like have people stand up and talk between videos.
> play videos from the actual blog (on the big screen) people see
> it in context.
> Mix it with performance.
> Have some bands play.
> in the end, i think we're just talking about focusing on content
> versus the tech...since we know there's so much good stuff now that
> could bring more people in.
> Jay

Pixelodeon-Kicked Butt!
Author of Secrets of Videoblogging ---->
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