A fast way to transcode MP4 to DV is to use VisualHub. It has a  
preset for DV and you just drag and drop. It is a really nice; we  
used it when we were transcoding all the various formats for  
Pixelodeon. You can drop almost any format and batch convert them to  
almost any other format.


On Jul 2, 2007, at 9:48 AM, Michael Verdi wrote:

> Hey David,
> I've found that Final Cut Pro isn't very good at editing mpeg4 video
> anyway. What I do is use a setting in Compressor to transcode and
> resize my files to conform to DV. It takes a bit of time but the
> results are pretty good. Most every video that I've done for the last
> year and half has been done that way. Let me know if you need help
> setting that up.
> - Verdi

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