I don't like to do this, and I'm not even particularly fired up, but  
I think it needs to be said.

Somebody bought up Twittervlog.com in May - and Twittervlog.net - and  
Twittervlog.org - anonymously, of course.

This was a while after I started Twittervlog at Twittervlog.blogspot.com

They correctly predicted that one day I'd want to move to my own  
domain.  In fact, I thought I'd bought Twittervlog.com, but something  
went wrong with the transaction, and then I forgot to do it again.   
And then this person pounced.

Happily, I much prefer to be at Twittervlog.tv - so it's worked out OK.

Oh, except for when my non-tech friends and family get confused and  
just type in Twittervlog.com and get a Godaddy advertising holding page.

I thought MAYBE it was someone who knew my site, or maybe it was just  
someone random who was buying up domains that began with Twitter -  
twitterblog, twitterpodcast, etc - but I didn't look into it.   
Twitter's not my trademark, after all...

So anyway, I just typed in the URL of another vlog on this list - and  
guess what: the same Godaddy page came up.  Turns out I'd got the  
real domain one letter wrong (it was spelt funnily on purpose), so  
I've gone there now.  But the lookalike domain was taken by someone  

Now, I could be wrong, but it occurs to me that there might be  
someone reading this list who's buying up the domain names of the  
blogs he or she sees here.  Perhaps in the hope that we'll try to buy  
them back.  Perhaps to try and get advertising dollars from those  
people who enter the domain wrong.  Perhaps because they're addicted  
to a sort of domain-buying goldrush mentality, and they have some  
money to burn in speculation.

If that's the case, then whatever the reason, I think it's shitty  
behaviour - and it makes me sad.  Whoever you are, if you're reading  
this... you're probably smiling and sneering.  I don't really care.   
I don't expect to appeal to your better nature.  But what you're  
doing is pretty distasteful, and you're probably a pretty  
unsuccessful and unhappy person.  Does this really make you any more  
successful or happy - or does it just give a short, cheap thrill?   
Next time you're on Godaddy, stealing someone else's ideas and  
identity, stop yourself for a second- and then go and spend that  
money on a session of therapy.  Or buy yourself a treat.


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