around the 11/7/07 randulo mentioned about [videoblogging] H.264 and 
Adobe help? that:
>H264 has sure had a lot of buzz about it everywhere. I wonder if one
>of you can answer a few questions I have. I've looked around on the
>web and googled but I'm not fining the answers.
>1) I have Adobe Premiere Elements and it outputs h264. When I tried it
>though, the bitrates, unlike the other codecs, are on a scale that it
>huge, hundreds of thousands of bps. Why?
>2) The result, even at a high bps looked like crap, lots of artifacts.
>Every other format looked better. There must be a magic setting I'm
>3) I'm creating videos at 480x360 24fps. Is this part of the problem?
>I h264 related more to 320x240 or some other size?

can't give you answers you need. but nutshell:

datarate determines quality (and final file size).
H.264 is *very* good at high quality at low data rates.
So yep, something not workingn for you.

I don't use Premiere, and am on OS X, the quickest but not painless 
solution is to cough for QT pro from Apple, export in an uncompressed 
format from premiere then recompress via QT pro.

In terms of settings, this depends on what Premiere gives you access 
to, but you should be able to:

set frame rate
data rate
frame size
keyframe rate (despite some other advice here I believe automatic or 
natural is much better than forcing key frames)
dual or single pass.

The really important ones are keyframes and double pass, if the codec 
you are using is only doing single pass then it will be short of 
being optimised.

hope some of this helps, and Michael and Ryanne's tutorials at 
freevlog I think cover these settings pretty well.

Adrian Miles
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