I have three televisions, one of which is HD.  I sometimes (very rarely)
use the HDTV as a monitor for my laptop, but that's a minimal use case.  I
watch TV a pretty fair amount and own a TiVO.  In fact, it was via my TiVO
that I found Rocketboom and got inspired to videoblog.  I have also
converted one of our older videoblog entries to a DVD format to submit to
more "traditional" film and video festivals.

Additionally, it's pretty common for me to watch YouTube or flash videos
on my TV using my Nintendo Wii.  It's the easiest way to see them on a
large screen without having to fiddle with cables.

TV is one screen of many, and it's not to be ignored, in my estimation. 
It's so iconic of "the bad old days" that, when people speak of media
convergence or new media, they throw out the TV, but I think there's an
unexplored country in ways to bring new media and better options for media
convergence to the TV.  Given how many households will continue to use it
as their "first screen", it's still an essential part of the mix.


> I wanted to conduct a quick straw poll to see how many people here
> don't own a/don't watch 'normal' tv.  I was just reading a message
> from MissB where she comments on the fact that she doesn't have a tv.
>  I know Tanja from Freshtopia doesn't, I don't either.  It would be
> interesting to find out whether this is true of lots of people here,
> or just a few.  Is there any correlation between turning off your
> television and making the content yourself?  Just thought I would
> throw that question to the group.

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