Thank you Bill for some reason, thought and for starting this

--- In, "Bill Cammack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In, "danielmcvicar"
> <danielmcvicar@> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Bill
> > I was wondering what you may think, as a resident African American
> > voice in the vlogosphere.
> > 
> > Loren took great risks, said funny things, but didn't add any positive
> > stereotypes to mix in with the negatives.  I found it funny AND
> > offensive.  He could have gone more minstrel in blackface, but I don't
> > know how much more offensive he could have gotten.  Or he he could
> > have found a black actor to do it...tht may have filtered out some of
> > the ugliness.
> > 
> > Do we want the follow up?
> > 
> > Techspic
> > Techkike
> > Techmick
> > Techtowelhead
> > Techslope
> > 
> > and so on.
> > 
> > I don't think so , really.  
> > 
> > Don Imus is spinning in his unemployment line.  Carlos Mencia is
> > stealing the material.
> > 
> > D
> > --- In, "Bill Cammack" <BillCammack@>
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Loren Feldman = Technigga <>
> D,
> ok.  Since Loren's now put up a podtech video spoofing going into the
> Promises center in Malibu, CA for "sensitivity training and
> rehabilitation" (which, according to their site,
> <> only deals with
> alcohol and drug rehab), I'll assume there will be no context
> presented by him about his "Technigga" video.
> Unfortunately, as far as critiquing "Technigga", as 'simple' as his
> concept is, it's actually a very complex video, created by someone who
> has a complex format of marketing himself.  It's a kind of "Andrew
> 'Dice' Clay" / guy-you-love-to-hate /
> guy-who-says-what-people-are-thinking-but-are-too-chickenshit-to-say
> character he's built for himself.  Reminiscent of Morton Downey Jr.
> <> .... um.... Actually,
> if you go to that wikipedia page, Loren actually RESEMBLES Morton
> Downey Jr. :D
> So anyway, his gameplan is to say a lot of offensive stuff about a lot
> of different people and a lot of different types of people.  His style
> is inconsistent.  He complains and curses in this video
> <> about some guy that said he learned
> selling from "Jewish colleagues" (apparently, Loren is Jewish)....
> [Side Note: Andrew 'Dice' Clay was also Jewish, "Andy Clay
> Silverstein" <>, which eventually
> came as a major surprise to a lot of Italians that thought 'The Dice
> Man' was Italian]
> So in that video, where he's complaining about the Jewish reference,
> he says... verbatim: "Do you learn how to drink from your Irish
> friends?  Do you learn how to get in the mafia and wack people from
> your Italian friends? Do I learn how to make fuckin' sushi and attack
> Pearl Harbor from every fuckin' Japanese guy I know?"... That post was
> dated May 5, 2007.  Then, three months later, on August 3, 2007, he
> drops "Technigga" and answers his own question of (again, verbatim)
> "... Where is the, like, the black Scoble?... or... the black
> TechCrunch?" with a dream sequence where he dresses up "in character"
> and acts out a single-dimensional version of a black technology
> blogger.  The exact same thing he's complaining about happened to him
> on May 5th, he turns around and does to other people on August 3rd. 
> Inconsistent.
> As far as the dream sequence, hahahaha even though in "wired", Loren
> claims to have been "a professional actor and comedian"
> <>, unless
> that's a pen name he selected to do his blog and videos with, there's
> no sign of "Loren Feldman" AT ALL on IMDB
> <>.  However, IMDB *HAS*
> heard of Dan McVicar! <> hahahaha :D
> Anyway.....
> Did I LAUGH at the beginning of that dream sequence?  HELLS YEAH, I
> LAUGHED! :D  First of all, Loren looked RIDICULOUS in sunglasses,
> pantyhose on his head and wearing his girlfriend's jewelry! :D  That's
> obviously not a MAN'S chain, so I was laughing from the get.  On top
> of that, he threw on some 1980s or 1990s "En Vogue" music, which is
> hilarious on its own if you've ever seen that video.  Next thing you
> know, he's produced drug paraphernalia (which he claims in his
> comments is not actually his, but "just a prop from a friend") and
> according to comment #47, "hit that pipe like he's had some practice".
>  THEN he involves his girlfriend in the video.  THEN he fakes drinking
> bacardi straight out of the bottle with the cap still on it and no
> liquid moving AT ALL in the bottle... Maybe it's because I'm an editor
> and I could see how ridiculous and fake the whole setup was, but I was
> laughing my ass off at the intro.  However.....
> As SOON as he started talking, it was clear that he was being
> disrespectful.  He had an opportunity, after all his bitching and
> moaning about someone else using what he perceived to be a stereotype
> <> about Jews, to present a balanced and FAIR
> spectrum of what MIGHT BE "the black experience" when it comes to tech
> blogging.  He chose not to do that.  He chose to imagine "the black
> TechCrunch" as this one-dimensional situation.  He fucked up from the
> beginning when he said (24 seconds in) "I'd love to see the black
> TechCrunch, and get, like, a different cultural view on technology". 
> Different from whom?  See... How does he know what MY cultural view is
> when he doesn't know me at all?  I have over 260 episodes of videos
> that I've done on where I'm either in front of the
> camera or within earshot of the camera and I defy ANYBODY to find me
> (or ANYBODY ELSE, for that matter) speaking like that, acting like
> that, dressing like that..... ANY of it.  Feel free to look, because
> it's not there.  While you're at it, go through my flickr sets
> <> and you're going to
> see SOMEBODY that *YOU*, whomever's reading this... Somebody that
> *YOU* know personally or at least admire and respect that has hung out
> with ME and can tell you RIGHT NOW if they've EVER seen me acting
> anywhere similar to Loren's video portrayal of "the black TechCrunch".
>  Please do it.  Feel free.
> So, to me, the whole thing was ridiculous off the bat, because Loren
> chose to select ONE character or set of characteristics that TO HIM
> represented what it would be like if blacks got their hands on
> TechCrunch.  Actually, now that I think about it.  I was laughing at
> that video the same way I was laughing at "The Birth of a Nation" when
> they showed it in High School.
> <>
> "The film was based on Thomas Dixon's novels The Clansman and The
> Leopard's Spots. At its Los Angeles premiere in February at Clune's
> Auditorium it was entitled The Clansman, but on the advice of author
> Thomas W. Dixon was retitled for its official East Coast premiere at
> the Liberty Theater in New York's Times Square three weeks later
> (March 3).[citation needed]
> The title was changed from The Clansman to The Birth of a Nation to
> reflect Griffith's belief that before the American Civil War, the
> United States was a loose coalition of states antagonistic toward each
> other, and that the Northern victory over the breakaway states in the
> South finally bound the states under one national authority."
> "The Birth of a Nation" was so funny because it was so SKEWED!!! :D 
> They had a sequence, very similar to "Technigga", where they showed
> what it would be like if blacks got their hands on the State House of
> Representatives instead of a tech blog
> <> (halfway
> down the page, here are the jpgs:
> <>
> <>).  Incredibly
> disrespectful in the exact same way as "Technigga" because it assumed
> that there was only one type of black person, so this MUST be the way
> it would be if they got into office.  Unfortunately for "Technigga",
> it's one thing to spread propaganda in 1915 using a movie you're
> making about a book written in 1905 about people that you're trying
> YOUR DAMNEDEST to keep oppressed... and it's another thing to make a
> video in 2007 when you know damned well that along with people (black,
> white and otherwise) that act EXACTLY as Loren did in "Technigga",
> there are blacks smarter than him, blacks that make more money than he
> does, blacks that know more about tech than he does, blacks that know
> more about etiquette than he does.... hahahaha you get the picture. :D
> So that's another reason the video was funny to me.  There was no way
> that I believed that Loren Feldman, who gets to hang around being a
> sidekick to Scoble & Calacanis
> <> (in a
> conversation about Facebook that I thought was extremely interesting,
> BTW) was ignorant enough or sheltered enough to actually believe that
> was the only possible outcome for a black version of TechCrunch.
> On top of that, if you look in the comments, several black tech
> bloggers were either named in comments or made comments themselves. 
> Links posted included ,
> , , as well as Tari Akpodiete, an
> Associate Editor and Contributing Writer (print and online) over at
> Smartphone & Pocket PC Magazine (  There was no response
> from Loren Feldman to the posting of these links, although he DID
> respond in order to deny ownership of the drug paraphernalia. 
> Meanwhile, he's gone on to post an entirely new video.
> So... Loren started with a poor premise, that just because it would
> have been the black TechCrunch, there would have been "a different
> cultural view on technology".  He followed up with a
> single-dimensional portrayal of black people that I found
> incredible... meaning NOT CREDIBLE as in there was no way that I
> believed HE believed what he was saying and then he chose not to
> balance that out with ANY other perceptions he might have of black
> people and chose not to make ANY useful concluding statement OR
> indicate in writing anywhere what his point or intention was when he
> made "Technigga"..... At least, not on HIS site.....
> In wired
> <>, here's
> their question and his answer:
> "Wired News:
> Given your strong reaction to Guy Kawasaki's past video comment about
> his working experience, why do you think it is acceptable to create a
> video with strong racial stereotypes and what some will consider
> racially offensive language?
> Loren Feldman:
> Because I'm an artist and a professional actor and comedian. I am a
> member of the Screen Actors Guild and have performed stand-up and
> improv for years. It's the context of the language that matters. It
> was meant as satire and to bring up a point, what that point is I
> leave to my viewers. Art is a subjective thing."
> So this is why I posted the link with ZERO context.
> If you take Loren Feldman at face value, having never seen his antics
> before and having no idea who he "hangs around with" in cyberspace,
> "Technigga" appears to be an idiotic video created by an idiot.
> In reality, Loren _started_a_conversation_ by sucessfully emulating
> someone who believes that's the only way the black TechCrunch could
> possibly be.  He also emulated someone short-sighted enough (Kramer,
> anyone? <>) to
> feel like he could "pop that kind of shit" without it having any
> effect whatsoever on his career.  Ultimately, there are tons of posts
> on Loren's site dissing people.  This wasn't the first time, and it's
> not going to be the last time.  It's his niche.
> .....
> What was more interesting to me than the video itself was the
> responses & non-responses from the videoblogging group.  Loren started
> the conversation, I linked to it without context and people either
> wrote how they felt about it or wrote nothing at all, leaving opinions
> about their opinions to one's imagination.
> Having said that, I don't know anything about Loren Feldman other than
> what I've observed that's freely available on the net... a lot of
> which, I've linked to in this post.  It's possible that I'm completely
> wrong.  It's possible that he really thinks this stuff and his view of
> black people is that limited. However...
> I think you've all been Hornswoggled! :D
> --
> billcammack

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