I don't get it. "The silence from this group is deafening?" You're  
accusing us of being hypocritical?  Of "hollow words to market  
another dotcom product or service"?
One email at 3.00, asking if any vloggers are nearby, then a link to  
a million-viewed Youtube video at 7.00, then you post at 8.00 all  
If your point is Why Didn't We Discuss This Before, then why didn't  
you bring it up before, instead of just sitting on your hands,  
silently getting angry about the deafening silence from this group?
Personally, until Heath's post, which I read after reading yours, I  
didn't know anything about it - first news I heard of it in the UK  
was last night, and there was no mention of videoblogging or the web  
as a crucial part of the story.  And you know what, I didn't find out  
from your unhelpfully toned and negative message.
This isn't a rolling news discussion group.  If you think something  
is worthy of discussion, bring it up.  Don't sit silent and then  
accuse everyone else of being dishonest or hypocritical for doing the  

On 20 Sep 2007, at 20:00, Its A Mystery and So Im I wrote:
This is a perfect example of the "long tail" in effect yet the
silence from this group is deafening. It's funny how people talk
about technology changing this and empowering the voiceless. I can
remember folks saying the same thing in this group. Yet its just
hollow words to market another dotcom product or service it seems.

(Getting off my soapbox.)

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Heath" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > Not sure how many people here know about this but you all may want to
 > check out the link here
 > http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070920/ap_on_re_us/school_fight
 > In an era of "shock" racism or "entertaiment" racism, it's hard to
 > believe that this didn't get more attention because it's REAL racism,
 > no if's and's or but's about it.
 > Any vloggers live near where this is happening? If so care to let us
 > know what's happening on the street?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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