Hello Everyone,

I was wondering if any of you out there have experienced any problems
recently with uploading your videos onto Blip?  Last week, I was
unable to upload my video after multiple attempts over a couple of
days using both Firefox and Internet Explorer.  

When I contacted Blip they accused my year old Dell XPS M140 for the
problems although offering no REAL concrete answers or solutions to
why this happen and how to avoid it in the future.  

I've been uploading my videos to Blip since Feb 2007 and I've never
been able to use Firefox for any of my uploads, and some of my uploads
have taken as long as 6 hours.  Is this normal using Blip?   

I cannot continue to have these problems and have Blip point the
finger at me and my computer.  Does anyone have any insight or answers
to these questions?  


Gerry t

The Gerry T Show
"Where Dating & Mating Always Come Together"

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