Nope. Nobody'd be uploading to them if there were widespread  
problems.  Blip works fine for me almost all the time.  They  
seriously let me down this morning on two important demonstrations  
for clients when their servers went down between 9 and 12.  But  
that's very unusual.  Their support is the best I've ever come  
across.  They will go massively out of their way to help.  Chances  
are, if they're telling you it's to do with something your end, it is.

- Check your upload speed, and try uploading to Blip using somebody  
else's internet connection.  Perhaps your ISP sucks.  Mine used to.   
I got a new one.  Contention (number of people sharing the pipe) and  
upload speeds are not things you'd know without checking.  Who knows,  
perhaps your ISP doesn't like people uploading stuff, so they make it  
deliberately difficult.  Sounds a bit like it.

- If you're using a wireless connection, plug in.

- Download UpperBlip batch uploading app from Blip's download tools  
section and use it to upload your videos.

- Upgrade Firefox. Better yet, uninstall it and download the latest  
version and install it fresh.

- Then uninstall your Flash player and download a new copy.

- Lose the Dell. Dells suck dead man's ass.  I normally say something  
a LOT ruder.  I do IT support for people on the side, and I don't  
know one single person with a Dell that hasn't slowed down to an  
unbearable standstill after 2 years - more often after just ONE  
year.  It seems to me that they make them like that so that you have  
to buy new ones.  And the great thing is, almost all people who have  
slow Dell seem to replace it with... another Dell.  It's all they  
know.  Don't make the same mistake.  Particularly now that all new  
machines come with Vista, the world's worst operating system.  Put  
Vista on a Dell, it's like crossing the beams. You might as well put  
your fist through the screen before you even turn it on.


On 18 Oct 2007, at 21:46, gerrytshow wrote:

Hello Everyone,

I was wondering if any of you out there have experienced any problems
recently with uploading your videos onto Blip? Last week, I was
unable to upload my video after multiple attempts over a couple of
days using both Firefox and Internet Explorer.

When I contacted Blip they accused my year old Dell XPS M140 for the
problems although offering no REAL concrete answers or solutions to
why this happen and how to avoid it in the future.

I've been uploading my videos to Blip since Feb 2007 and I've never
been able to use Firefox for any of my uploads, and some of my uploads
have taken as long as 6 hours. Is this normal using Blip?

I cannot continue to have these problems and have Blip point the
finger at me and my computer. Does anyone have any insight or answers
to these questions?


Gerry t

The Gerry T Show
"Where Dating & Mating Always Come Together"

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