Glad to see Calacanis took time off from raping puppies, or whatever he does
out there in the Hall of Doom, to be the voice of reason here.  Funny to see
Scoble trying to melodramatically leave all of us loser videobloggers in the
pre-video-streaming dust.  How can anyone with as much experience in web
video possibly compare Seesmic or Justin tv et al to what most of us are
doing?  It's like comparing a phone call with grandma to an episode of The
Office.  Two completely different methods of communications.

I'm tired to think clear after sitting in an airport bar for 8 hours waiting
for a flight that was eventually canceled.

As for the commercial vs personal shitbag salad of an argument that
perpetually pops up, I say, if you can make money and still get your point
across, just fucking do it.  You don't hear people complaining about Da
Vinci taking money to paint the last supper.  JC was the original product
placement.  Does anyone remember who paid him to paint it?

Goodnight you shitty, worthless community of losers.  I'll never leave you.

On Dec 24, 2007 12:22 AM, Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Also, I find there's a nugget of truth in the cliche that you get from
> a community what you put into it, both in quality and kind.
> A cooperative spirit and an open mind will generaly yield a more
> positive experience than an attitude of "Help me! Help me! Validate
> me! Love me! FUCK YOU!"
> Or so I hear.  ;)
> Chris
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Adam Quirk
Wreck & Salvage
Brooklyn, NY

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