I'd like some advice as to how to work with 4:3 and 16:9 in the same  
project on FCP.

All of our old stuff is 4:3 our new stuff is 16:9.

Our blip player is embedded at 16:9, and cropped real tight to keep  
it very neat and clean looking: http://k9disc.com for an example.

So, I started a project in FCP. I changed the settings to regular  
NTSC in Log and Capture, but did not set the project settings in the  
A/V tab under the FCP menu.

So, my footage was 4:3 but the sequence was 16:9.

I'm waiting on an encode right now of a 16:9 aspect ratio letterboxed  
if necessary.

I have 2 16:9 clips in the movie, our standard intro and outro.

Is it going to work?

How can I plan for this in the future. It's bound to happen again.


Ron Watson

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